Gut Health Science
Learn about the science behind Re:Bio and gut health. Probiotics may not only support a healthier gut, but a healthier brain as well.

The Science behind Re:Bio
Have you experienced days where you didn't feel 100%? Not sick exactly, but sluggish, unmotivated, and unsure of how to snap out of it. Many of us are unaware that this slump could be originating in your gut. Taking care of your insides could benefit you more than you think.
When you are feeling under the weather, upping your vitamin C and rest is important, but the most effective preventative measure you can take is to keep your immune defenses strong and Re:Bio can provide that boost.
“Growing evidence shows that probiotic bacteria present important health-promoting and immunomodulatory properties. Thus, the use of probiotics might represent a promising approach for improving immune system activities.”
- National Center for Biotechnology Information, January 2023
“Gut microbiota plays a significant role in maintaining host health, which could supply various nutrients, regulate energy balance, modulate the immune response, and defense against pathogens. Therefore, maintaining a favourable equilibrium of gut microbiota through modulating bacteria composition, diversity, and their activity is beneficial to host health.”
- National Institutes of Health
When your gut is strong it can help you feel better overall. Harvard Health Publishing of Harvard Medical School touts that probiotics may help boost mood and cognitive function.
“The gut has been called a "second brain" because it produces many of the same neurotransmitters as the brain does, like serotonin, dopamine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid, all of which play a key role in regulating mood. In fact, it is estimated that 90% of serotonin is made in the digestive tract.”
- Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School
How do probiotics fit on the gut-brain axis? Some research has found that probiotics may help boost mood and cognitive function and lower stress and anxiety.
"Alzheimer's patients who drank milk made with four probiotic bacteria species for 12 weeks scored better on a test to measure cognitive impairment compared with those who drank regular milk." -Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
Probiotics may not only support a healthier gut, but a healthier brain as well. So taking probiotics regularly can help you with your psychological well-being, mood, and sleep quality.