A healthy gut microbiome is connected to a healthy body and mind. At Re:Bio we want to convey the importance of that.
What makes Re:Bio effective? Synbiotics. This is what we refer to when both probiotics (beneficicial bacteria) and prebiotics (what help beneficial bacteria grow) are combined in the same product. The result? An experience that is much more effective than taking probiotics alone.
Bring out the beauty within by caring for your gut microbiome
As a part of your daily routine, we created a product thats tastes good and makes you feel good.
Do you have any of these health concerns?
✓ Frequent illness
✓ Constant tummy trouble
✓ Constipation
✓ Persistent skin troubles
✓ Overall feeling less than 100
Take it with you
Easy to carry, single-serve packet is convenient to slip in your purse so you can take it anytime and anywhere without water. You can also add it into a smoothie or sprinkle . For the best effect, it is recommended to take it after a meal.
Research shows that probiotics can help our immune system to stay healthy and strong by supplying various necessary nutrients and fighting against pathogens
Benefits through Gut Health
Gut health
To keep your guard up against invisible germs, vitamins alone won’t be enough. Re:Bio Synbiotics Packets help the gut microbiome flourish by providing food for the good bacteria in your gut
Skin Radiance
Added collagen peptides will help you achieve glowing skin from the inside out
Mood Improvement
The enzymes that regulate your mood like serotonin, dopamine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid are made in your gut and play a key role in your satisfaction, happiness, and optimism